Kristen Nodell

Pine Grove Hall, 101 E. Pine Grove Rd., Pine Grove Mills

KRISTEN NODELL from The Women's National Hockey League Band is an indie folk rock singer originally from State College, PA with influences from The Beatles, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Sheryl Crow, and Carol King.

Accompanied by the WNHL's guitarist, James Russin, Kristen will be singing songs from their two released EPs, along with new unreleased songs.

Kristen grew up in State College where she started writing and playing music in the many SCASD music programs. She now lives in Brooklyn where The Women's National Hockey League has begun to grow their fan base.

This performance is part of Pine Grove Hall's Arts Fest Music Showcase week.

Dinner and full bar service available all evening. Click GET TICKETS below to reserve your table.
