Eric Ian Farmer & Friends

Pine Grove Hall, 101 E. Pine Grove Rd., Pine Grove Mills

Born in State College, Pennsylvania and raised in North Carolina, Eric Ian Farmer has returned to his birthplace sharing his songs about relationships, social awareness, and finding one's path in life while keeping alive classics by artists like Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding, and Bob Marley. Eric learned how to become one with a song from Bonnie Carter and David Williams, singers in the church of his childhood just across the North Carolina state line in Danville, Virginia. Eric also draws inspiration as a singer from popular artists like Bobby McFerrin, Stevie Wonder, and Marvin Gaye. And his guitar playing is inspired by the percussive stylings of rock legend Bo Diddley.

Joining Eric for the evening will be Elizabeth Webb and Mare Cleary (vocals), and Eli Byrne (sax and flute.)

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